Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

on the hills around Adelaide

 old houses from 1850's in Lobethal where Andrew grew up just opposite a famous german bakery
View over Adelaide from Mount Lofty

Gorge Wildlife Park

 chatty, noisy parrots
 feeding kangeroos
 black swan
 flying foxes
 king fisher
cuddling a koala! very soft fur!

servas host family Zilm

the Zilms: Andrew, Tracy, Erin and Virginia
 A nice house in Hampstead Gardens a suburb of Adelaide
family members: a talkative cockatoo, two dogs, a white rabbit

Kangaroo Island (22nd to 24th February)

Penneshaw coastline and beach

 gum trees along the roads
 Seal Bay: sea-lions puppies waiting for their mothers return from feeding in the sea....
 Remarkable Rock: really impressing!
 beautiful colours in the waves
 Admirals Arch
 It's a pity: Penneshaws penguins were on summer holiday in the south... 
 sunset - sunrise

sunset from the ferry on the way back to Cape Jervis and afterward Adelaide

Adelaide South Australia

the Arcade: the oldest shopping mall in Adelaide from 1882

Rundle Mall: shopping street, arts, street music, comedians, ....
Adelaide historic town

Montag, 20. Februar 2012

Countryside Victoria

Vulkanische Gesteinsformationen in der Naehe des Grampians National Park
ehemaliger Vulkankrater mit wildlife national park

Great Ocean Road

Great ocean road 17th Feb: three day bus tour with 14 nice twens and a great guide

lazy koala

famous 12 Apostels 

gorgeous landscape

Sydney Myer Music Bowl

 Melbourne Wed 15th Feb

Melbourne Sinfony Orchestra: amazing concert in a wonderful ambiance!

Montag, 13. Februar 2012

arrival in down under

 12th Feb: cloudy day in Auckland (4 hour transit)

14th Feb: St.Kilda Beach Melbourne (25 degrees)